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FINSEC Concept

FINSEC will provide a blueprint solution for the physical and cyber-security of critical infrastructures in the financial sector. The solution will be provided in terms of:

A Reference Architecture (RA) for structuring critical infrastructure protection systems in the financial sector: This architecture will provide the structuring principles of security systems in financial sector towards achieving: (i) Integrated, cost-effective protection of cyber and physical assets and infrastructures and (ii) Faster and cost-effective compliance to security standards and regulation.

A security toolbox comprising a range of components and tools for physical and cyber-security: The components of the toolbox will be integrated in-line with the FINSEC reference architecture, in order to provide a tangible implementation of the blueprint solutions of the project.

A set of pilots in nearly operational conditions, used to validate and evaluate the FINSEC solutions: The pilots will be organized at the (end-user) financial organization of the consortium. They will engage relevant stakeholders (i.e. security officers, IT and cyber-security experts, the security-related C-suite of the organization such as CSO (Chief Security Office) and CIO (Chief Information Officer)) in the deployment and use of the FINSEC technologies (i.e. the toolbox’s technologies) in-line with the FINSEC architecture. Pilots will be organized based on: (i) Simulated attacks against critical infrastructures of the end-user organizations; (ii) Stakeholder’s workshops, where experts and employees of the end-users will engage in identification, assessment, refinement and mitigation of security risks and incidents, notably risks and incidents associated with the critical infrastructures of the end-users.


FINSEC also set a list of scientific, technological innovation, business and regulatory objectives:


Objective 1 – Reference Security Architecture for Critical Infrastructures in the Financial Sector


Objective 2 – Develop, Integrate and Validate Predictive Security Mechanisms In the FINSEC Reference Architecture – Predictive Security As a Service


Objective 3 –  Provide a Reference Implementation of the FINSEC Architecture, Along With a Toolbox of Predictive and Collaborative Security Mechanisms


Objective 4 –  Provide the Means for Cost-Effective Regulatory Compliance


Objective 5 –  Pilot Deployment, Validation and Evaluation in Operative Environments


Objective 6 –  Policy Development Guidelines For Uptake and Long-Term Sustainability


Objective 7 –  Business Modelling for FINSEC Deployment - Market Launch


Objective 8 – Market Platform for Infrastructures Security in the Financial Sector


This project has received funding from the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 786727 
The content reflects only the authors’ views, and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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